ALLERGY CARE FOR PETS - 120 Capsules - Natural Supplement for Pet - Made in USA
ALLERGY CARE FOR PETS - 120 Capsules - Natural Supplement for Pet - Made in USA
ALLERGY CARE FOR PETS - 120 Capsules - Natural Supplement for Pet - Made in USA
ALLERGY CARE FOR PETS - 120 Capsules - Natural Supplement for Pet - Made in USA

ALLERGY CARE FOR PETS - 120 Capsules - Natural Supplement for Pet - Made in USA

Regular price $39.99 $34.99 Sale

Allergies may be caused by something your pet ingests, has come into contact with or inhaled.  Many animals suffer from allergies that are caused by a hypersensitivity reaction of the immune system to certain allergens in the environment. When these antigens enter the body system, the immune system tends to over react and antibodies quickly cause the release of histamine which results in an allergic reaction.                     

There are various types of pets allergies and these include: Cat and dog food allergies are caused by certain food sources or ingredients such as commercial pet foods that may bring about an allergic reaction in pets.  Atopic allergies are caused by something that your pet inhales such as tree, grass and weed pollens, mold, mildew, smoke, dust or dander.       

Contact allergies are caused when your pet comes into contact with a particular substance such as flea collars, fabrics, plastic, insecticides, pesticides or rubber).These reactions differ in severity and may include itchiness, lesions, blocked sinus, asthma, eczema and Contact dermatitis. Although allergies cannot be cured, they can be managed and controlled.         

This natural supplement contain phytonutrients, fatty acids, phospholipids and antioxidants,  which makes them an effective tool against various health ailments like sinus, allergy and asthma. This product protects body cells, which in turn prevent chronic diseases and help you recover from illnesses. No side effects. 100% Natural.  Made in USA. 

Directions: Pets; Small pets take 1 Capsule, Medium and Big pets take 2 Capsules daily. If the pet cannot swallow, please  break  it and sprinkle in the food or water.                

Ingredients:   Colostrum 500 mg, Butterbur Root Extract  75 mg, Stinging nettle 100 mg, Black Seed 300mg, white rice flour.  Magnesium,  and Proprietary Blend.

PRICE $ 34.99

120 Capsules

EXP. : 12/2029